Water Reporter
Water Reporter — Be the eyes of the Bay
We just launched a brand new Water Reporter app!
Ready to join as a volunteer Water Reporter or set up the new app? Start by filling out an updated volunteer waiver form. This ensures you will receive Water Reporter notices and invitations to events.
After you complete the waiver, it is time to set up the app. Watch this four minute video How to download Water Reporter.
Click here for more details about getting started.
Having trouble? Reach out to Community Organizer and Volunteer Coordinator Sara Freshley at 207-807-0785 of sfreshley [at] cascobay [dot] org.
Thank you for caring about Casco Bay!
How healthy is Casco Bay? How is Casco Bay changing?
Please note: If you see an emergency along the Bay like a stranded or injured animal or person, please contact the appropriate authority. You can find a list of them here.
How it works

Water Reporter is the name of our volunteer program and the smartphone app that we use to post our photos and observations. Water Reporters are the community members participating in the program.
If you care about Casco Bay and want to have a meaningful, positive impact on our efforts to advocate for solutions and protect the health of our coastal waters, please join us as a volunteer Water Reporter.
Ways to participate
As you see it, on the fly
Site-specific and high-frequency