
So you think you know Casco Bay

So You Think You Know Casco Bay


1. What are the landward and seaward boundaries of Casco Bay?


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2. How many coastal or island communities border Casco Bay?



3. What is an estuary and why is it important?






4. What are some of the leading threats to the environmental health of Casco Bay?




5. Name two important marine residents of Casco Bay and describe why they are important.

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6. Describe one action children and/or their families can take to protect Casco Bay.


ANSWERS: So You Think You Know Casco Bay

1 What are the landward and seaward boundaries of Casco Bay?
Cape Elizabeth (Two Lights), Cape Small (Phippsburg), Halfway Rock

2 How many coastal or island communities border Casco Bay? 14

3 What is an estuary and why is it important?
Where rivers and ocean meet; important as feeding, breeding, and nursery grounds for marine life and birds; protected, food-rich settlements for humans

4 What are some of the leading threats to the environmental health of Casco Bay?
Stormwater runoff, nitrogen pollution, sewage, coastal acidification

5 Name two important marine residents of Casco Bay and describe why you think they are important.
Lobsters most important fishery in Maine
Eelgrass nursery for many marine animals
Soft-shell clams 2rd most important fishery in Maine
Harbor seals iconic marine life
Mackerel, striped bass, bluefish popular among recreational fishermen
Pogies (menhaden) caught commercially for lobster bait

6 Describe one action your family can take to protect Casco Bay.
Reduce use of fertilizers and pesticides, don’t discard cigarette butts, pick up dog wastes, any other actions that reduce pollution that can run into the Bay


Field trip!
Go to Buoy Park, the small park next to the Casco Bay Lines terminal along Commercial Street in downtown Portland. You will find four panels that explain the history of Casco Bay. (If you can’t get there, read them here [
Find three facts you did not know and create your own “So you think you know Casco Bay” to quiz your family and friends.