How do I get my boat pumped out?
The first step to get a pumpout for the 2022 season is to complete the form to the right. This gets you set up in our billing system.
After completing the form, you can request a pumpout by emailing You can request additional pumpouts by simply emailing. Please include the following information in your email requests: your name, your boat’s location, the slip/mooring location, boat type and make, you boat’s name, a brief description of your boat so that we can easily find it, the waste deck plate, the waste tank capacity, and the best phone number to reach you during the day.
Our Pumpout Coordinator Jim Splude looks forward to working with you. Jim runs our pumpout service from throughout the boating season, May through October.
For a fee of $10 per 20 gallons, he will pump out marine toilets from recreational boats between South Portland and Freeport. Owners do not have to be present, but he is happy to teach small boat handlers how to perform the task themselves.
Jim, a native of Portland, has nearly 20 years of experience working in and around marinas. He can be reached at or (207) 776-0136.