
Make a difference for a decade

Casco Bay is changing and changing quickly. Rising temperatures, rising sea levels, increasing amounts of stormwater runoff, acidification — we are seeing dramatic shifts in a variety of conditions, all likely to significantly impact our economy, heritage, and way of life.

We are creating a $1.5 million Climate Change and Casco Bay Fund for Technology, Monitoring, and Community Engagement to support our efforts to understand these threats and address the changes that are looming.

We invite you to be part of the solution. Your generosity can help us for a decade to come.

The Fund will enable us to deploy and maintain Continuous Monitoring Stations for the next ten years that collect hourly data on water quality conditions in three regions of the Bay, share how those conditions are changing, and together advocate for solutions to address the impacts of climate change.

We have terrific news. We are at 89% of the goal and we have a plan to get across the finish line.

As you can see from a photo of our updated gift chart, we are just 157 donors from reaching our goal. We look to you now to help us reach the top.

Are you one of the 157? Look at the gift chart and consider a donation that works for you. You may donate now or make a pledge over time. We will put your gift to good use as we expand our array of Continuous Monitoring Stations and engage the community as we work together to adapt to climate change.

Donate Now

Working together as a community to take care of this place may be our only hope.

Please support the Climate Change and Casco Bay Fund as generously as you can. Thank you.