Storm Drain Stenciling
“Do not dump—drains to Casco Bay”
Our Storm Drain Stenciling Project is a hands-on way for you to “take to the streets” and create greater awareness about the need to reduce stormwater pollution in our communities. We lend our stenciling kits with supporting outreach materials to community groups at no charge. Become a local advocate for reducing pollution by painting “DO NOT DUMP” messages near storm drains. You will be helping us connect your neighborhood with the Bay.
Storm Drain Stenciling Kits, including a how to guide and all the needed materials, are available to borrow from May 1 to October 15 each year. However, special conditions are needed to stencil. The temperature should be 50 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer, pavement should be warm and dry, and it can’t be too windy.
There are two ways to take part in storm drain stenciling with Friends of Casco Bay:
- Gather your coworkers or group to volunteer with us at Friends of Casco Bay. Learn how here.
- Host your own stenciling event. Individuals and small groups can borrow kits and organize your own stenciling event. We’ll provide a how to guide and materials. Fill out the form below to let us know you are interested in stenciling.

Stenciling storm drains is a great community service project. Photo from Friends School of Portland
Why stencil storm drains?
Storm drains are a tempting place for some in our community to dump dangerous pollutants. A cigarette butt or pet waste thrown into one storm drain may seem like a small thing. But small actions add up, and Casco Bay suffers from the cumulative effects of these small injuries. When people pour hazardous wastes, such as household cleaners, unused paint, paint thinner, used oil, and lawn care chemicals, down a storm drain, they don’t realize that they may be dumping pollutants directly into the Bay.
Our Storm Drain Stenciling program lets people know where the stuff they dump down the drain actually goes!
Water washed down city streets during rain or snow melt flows into storm drains. Some of these drains empty directly into Casco Bay. Other storm drains are connected to the same pipes that carry household wastewater (including sewage) from bathrooms, sinks, and kitchens to a wastewater treatment plant. Even if these products reach the sewage treatment facility, the treatment process may not be able to remove the hazardous components.
Our Storm Drain Stenciling Kits offer the perfect hands-on activity for youth groups, scout troops, team-building exercises, and corporate volunteers days.
To borrow our Storm Drain Stenciling Kits, fill out our form.
Storm Drain Stenciling Kit Request
Learn more about Storm Drain Stenciling and Stormwater

We “listen” to Casco Bay by collecting water quality data, enabling us to identify threats to the health of the Bay. We track water quality year-round from our three Continuous Monitoring Stations, and collect seasonal water samples from 24 locations around the Bay.

Advocating for clean marine water is at the core of our work. Led by our chief advocate, the Casco Baykeeper, our staff and community lend the Bay our voices. We advocate for the health of our coastal waters in town halls and the state legislature, and work with businesses and environmental agencies to promote clean water policies and practices.

Community Engagement
The name Friends of Casco Bay was chosen with purposeful intent. It takes a community to care for the Bay. We host events to educate the public on issues affecting the Bay and coordinate volunteer efforts to improve its health. We are proud to say that our volunteers and supporters are among the Bay’s most dedicated ambassadors.