
Sign up for emails from Friends of Casco Bay

Why sign up Friends of Casco Bay’s email list?

Because you’ll find out about issues and events involving Casco Bay!

Email Sign Up

Be in the know

You will receive bulletins about upcoming events, promotions, and volunteer opportunities. We provide brief, informational emails about aspects of Casco Bay that you will find interesting and newsworthy.

Find out first

You will be the first to know about breaking news, evolving actions, and changes that affect the health of Casco Bay. How is the Bay changing? Did a spill happen? Is your town developing an ordinance to protect the Bay? We will keep you in the loop.

Take action to influence public policy

You will have opportunities to make your voice heard. On occasion, we will ask you to take action to support or block legislation or policy changes that could impact the Bay. We provide our reasoning, suggested talking points, and how to contact the essential decision makers. You will join our community of supporters who have been amazingly effective in affecting pending legislation at the state and local levels.

Other ways to stay in the loop

Following us on social media is another great way to stay in touch with all things Casco Bay. We’re on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Cover photo: Photograph by Kyle Dubay