Emergency Phone Numbers
Search and Rescue Emergencies
Contact the US Coast Guard for maritime emergencies on the Bay and search and rescue needs by using VHF-FM Channel 16 (156.8 MHz), dialing 911, or calling (207) 767-0303.
Injured or Dead Animals
If you see injured birds or wildlife, keep your distance and contact the appropriate authority listed below. If the animal reacts to your presence, you are too close. Ask other people in the area to stay away, and keep dogs at a safe distance. Note the animal’s size, markings, body condition, and whether or not there are any wounds. Take a photo if you can. Note the location of the animal and any significant landmarks.
Marine Mammals
If you see a stranded or dead mammal, such as a seal pup or a whale, contact the Marine Mammals of Maine’s hotline. Follow the same instructions as above.
Marine Mammals of Maine: 1-800-532-9551
Birds and Wildlife
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Public Information Office: 207-287-8000.
Center for Wildlife: 207-361-1400
Avian Haven: 207-382-6761
Red Tide Hotline
To find out about the latest shellfish closures, contact the Maine Department of Marine Resources: 800-232-4733
Oil Spill Emergencies
If you see an oil spill or a sheen on the water, please call both the US Coast Guard National Response Center and the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).
Coast Guard National Response Center: 800-424-8802
DEP’s 24 hour Oil Spill Response Line: 800-482-0777
Then, call us at (207) 799-8574
Sewage Discharges from Boats
Casco Bay is a No Discharge Area. If you see or suspect sewage releases from boats in the Bay, contact the Bureau of Marine Patrol and DEP.
Bureau of Marine Patrol, Department of Marine Resources: 207-633-9595
Fill out the Maine DEP environmental complaint form or call: 207-287-7688
Hypodermic Needles/Syringes
The discovery of a carelessly discarded syringe can occur almost anywhere. Whether it is on a beach or in a city park, discarded syringes pose a threat of infection or disease.

- Don’t touch it.
- Report it by completing one of the following actions:
- If it is on a beach staffed with a lifeguard or a park with staff, report it to them.
- In Portland, use the City’s reporting tool See Click Fix and select “needle pickup.”
- Call a local enforcement agency (police or town hall) and ask if they can send someone with a biohazard disposal kit.
- Report it to the Department of Environmental Protection at 800-482-0777
- If it is necessary to leave the location, mark it somehow for future identification.
- If you are pricked by a needle, call Maine Center for Disease Control at 800-821-5821 and ask to speak to an epidemiologist.
Stormwater Pollution
Storm drains empty into Casco Bay. Never dump waste into storm drains. If you see a violation please report it to your city or town public works or water quality department.
Large Debris or Other Non-Emergency Concerns
The local harbormaster should be notified if there is debris that needs to be addressed. Find them here, or by searching on your municipality’s website.
US Coast Guard Sector Northern New England is an important entity to inform if there is debris or other concerns, even when they are not an immediate emergency. The non emergency number to reach the Coast Guard is (207) 767-0302.