
December 2020 Water Reporter Post of the Month

Our Volunteer Water Reporters often go beyond the call of duty. Just look at our Water Reporter Post of the Month taken by Anne Wood during the mid December storm.

Volunteers, like Anne, head out in all sorts of weather conditions to take photos of high tides. While braving inclement weather is not a requirement for participation, we appreciate Anne’s dedication!

Tidal height depends on many factors, including ​​changing ​​seasonal​ ​​weather patterns​ and the gravitational effects of the Earth, Sun, and Moon. ​​​Additional​ variables ​that affect the tides are winds, storm surge, polar ice melt, and barometric pressure, which can push water farther up the shoreline​.

Anne shares, “I started taking Water Reporter photos with Friends of Casco Bay because a Falmouth Town Landing beach rock outcropping that we used to sit and play on years ago, even at high tide, is now covered with water at all high tides. It is great to be part of a group effort working for the health of Casco Bay, and, indeed, the world!”

Our volunteers are capturing images from the same locations repeatedly. Comparing these images over time will illustrate sea level rise and help identify areas already being impacted by rising seas.

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Comparing these two images of Falmouth Town Landing helps us visualize what “the new normal” may look like. The image on the left was taken by Trish Peterson on February 11, 2020, and the image on the right was taken by Anne Wood on September 22, 2020. We encourage Water Reporters to take photos of astronomical high tides at the same spots over time.