Join us next Wednesday for an illuminating discussion with guest scientists who are doing cutting edge research in Casco Bay: Crabs, HABs, Sharks, and More… A Casco Bay Matters Event.
Green crabs, harmful algal blooms (HABs), and great white sharks are drawing increasing attention around Casco Bay. Have these sea creatures always been here? Is climate change influencing their presence?
Changes in coastal chemistry are impacting shellfish populations, while rising seas and other forces are eroding salt marshes. What can we do to protect our vital resources and habitats?
Find out answers to these questions by joining Staff Scientist Mike Doan and Casco Baykeeper Ivy Frignoca as they moderate a panel of guest scientists sharing their research on each of these topics in Casco Bay. All panelists will be available to answer your questions after their presentations.
Our panel of guest scientists includes:
Matt Davis, from Maine Department of Marine Resources, monitoring great white sharks
Sara Randall, from Downeast Institute, researching shellfish and coastal chemistry
Marissa McMahan, from Manomet, studying invasive green crabs
Bryant Lewis, from Maine Department of Marine Resources, tracking harmful algal blooms
Matt Craig, from Casco Bay Estuary Partnership, restoring salt marshes
You must register to join this event. We would love for you to join us.