Friends of Casco Bay’s Board members are key partners in protecting Casco Bay.
Here’s how, in their own words:
Peter Dufour: “We want our legacy to be getting rid of cigarette butts.”
CPA Peter Dufour and his wife Kelly have an office overlooking Commercial Street in Portland. “Cigarette butts are everywhere in the city. The whole sidewalk in front of the bars is littered with cigarette butts.”
Friends of Casco Bay connected them with Mike Roylos, creator of Sidewalk Buttlers, metal cylinders that hold discarded cigarette butts that are later recycled. Peter and Kelly funded five new Sidewalk Buttlers along Commercial Street, enough to keep 20,000 butts a year out of the Bay. The devices (shown below) hang on lampposts, within easy reach of patrons leaving the bars and restaurants.
You can see how other community members are partnering with us to protect the Bay on our Community Connection page.