Friends of Casco Bay’s Board members are key partners in protecting Casco Bay.
Jack Thomas leads a double life. At dawn, he is a lobsterman setting traps off South Freeport from his 32-foot lobster boat Dark’n’Stormy. By 9 a.m., he’s at his desk at RBC Wealth Management, advising clients on how they should invest their funds. Both personas are a good match for his avocation: President of the Board of Friends of Casco Bay.
Jack grew up in South Freeport, where he still sails and lobsters. Over the past 20 years, Jack has taken hundreds of people out on his lobster boat to share the beauty of the Harraseeket River region and surrounding islands.
Jack and his wife Susan have always engaged in outdoor activities with their three children, now young adults. Whether skiing, fishing, kayaking, camping, or cruising around Casco Bay, they are reminded of the advice Jack’s father gave him: “Wherever you go, leave the place in better shape than when you found it.” Jack’s support of Friends is one way he continues to fulfill that responsibility.
You can see how other community members are partnering with us to protect the Bay on our Community Connection page.