
Friends Appreciation Celebration and Members Annual Meeting

It takes a community to protect the health of the Bay!

We look forward to seeing you at the Harraseeket Inn. No need to RSVP in advance, just join us from 5:30-8 PM.

Friends of Casco Bay invites you to our Friends Appreciation Celebration in recognition of the work we all do together. There are so many volunteers, donors, members, and local and state officials around the Bay who have made a positive impact on our coastal waters. Let’s connect! We look forward to acknowledging and applauding all you do for Casco Bay.

When: Tuesday, April 30, 5:30-8:00 p.m.Add to your calendar

Bring a friend! Public welcome.
5:30: Hors d’oeuvres, cash bar
6:30: Program begins

Where: Harraseeket Inn, Casco Bay Room, 162 Main St, Freeport, ME 04032

Donation to attend is appreciated, not required. Suggested donation: $20 per person

From I-295, take Exit 22—Freeport. At the end of the exit ramp, turn on Route 125/Mallet Drive toward downtown Freeport. At the traffic light, take a left onto Main Street and an immediate right into the Harraseeket Inn’s driveway—parking is behind the Inn.