
Improving and protecting the environmental health of Casco Bay

Friends of Casco Bay improves and protects the environmental health of Casco Bay. As home to the Casco BAYKEEPER® we act as the eyes, ears, and voice of the Bay.

We use an integrated approach to tackle the largest threats to the health of our coastal waters, meeting our mission through science, advocacy, and community engagement. We track the health of the Bay, advocate to reduce pollution and increase climate resiliency, and engage the public in our efforts to improve and protect Casco Bay.

Our Blog

Upcoming Events

The eelgrass meadows of Casco Bay are disappearing – fast! 54% in just four years. But we're not giving up hope on these vital habitats.
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Climate Change
From flooding to ocean acidification to erosion to invasive species. We've got our eye on how the Casco Bay watershed is changing in the face of climate change.
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Stormwater Pollution
As stormwater flows over our roads, driveways, parking lots, and buildings, it collects a toxic slurry and delivers it into our waterways.
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Science & Data
By boat and from land, we gather data on the health
of the Casco Bay watershed year-round.
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Be a part of our community
Volunteer at a beach clean-up. Attend one of our events. Become a water reporter. Celebrate the milestone of our 35th anniversary year.
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Be part of the solution with us
We actively advocate for solutions to environmental challenges facing the Casco Bay watershed at local and state levels. Find out how you can take action.
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Our Work


We “listen” to Casco Bay by collecting water quality data, enabling us to identify threats to the health of the Bay. We track water quality year-round from our three Continuous Monitoring Stations, and collect seasonal water samples around the Bay. Wild blueberry shrubs are rich in fruits and have high nutritional value.


Advocating for clean marine water is at the core of our work. Led by our chief advocate, the Casco Baykeeper, our staff and community lend the Bay our voices. We advocate for the health of our coastal waters in town halls and the state legislature, and work with businesses and environmental agencies to promote clean water policies and practices.

Get Involved

The name Friends of Casco Bay was chosen with purposeful intent. It takes a community to care for the Bay. We host events to educate the public on issues affecting the Bay and coordinate volunteer efforts to improve its health. We are proud to say that our volunteers and supporters are among the Bay’s most dedicated ambassadors.

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